Reading Sentences


Most reading programs move from reading words directly to reading books, which is not the correct way to build a proper foundation for reading. They don’t give children experience practicing reading sentences outside a book format. Our sentence reading lessons are a breakthrough approach in helping children read because they engage your children in stringing words together to make sentences.

Just like words are made of letters, sentences are made of words. Children are taught the sounds of letters and how to put them together to make words. Children also need to practice connecting words together to make sentences before they are taught to combine sentences into paragraphs.

These booklets gradually increase in difficulty to help children master the skill of sentence reading.

All our previous lessons are like little books preparing your child for successful book reading. These sentence booklets take your child one step further by providing a mini book format. These booklets are in an sequential series that take your child from reading 2-3 word sentence fragments to reading short 3-6 word sentences and finally onto multiple sentences. This series starts with 3-letter phonetic words and moves through 4-letter blends. Then we introduce longer phonetic words and finally silent final e words.

After your child masters these books, your child will say, “I can read books!”
