
Spanish Games for Kids Guide Your Child from Letter and Word Sounds to Reading Mastery

These are some of the only Spanish apps for children that lead your child through all the proper steps of Reading Mastery for the Spanish language. 


Learn Spanish Phonemic Awareness

This app has four games to begin helping your children develop Spanish phonemic awareness. This app will help your child identify the beginning sounds of Spanish words. Fonética Sin Letras will help your child understand that words are made up of sound units (phonemes). 

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Matching Games to Develop Spanish Phonemic Awareness

The learning games in this app help children develop phonemic awareness in Spanish. These games prepare children to learn the alphabetic principle. This app helps your child develop their ability to listen for and discern sounds at the beginning of words. 

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ABC MÁGICO Abecedario

Learn the sounds of the Spanish Alphabet. Get ready to read Spanish! This app will help your child learn the sounds of the letters of the alphabet, which are necessary for reading. Learning the sounds of the letters gives your child the tools for reading and helps them become great readers. Each letter is matched with a phonetic photo image to help your child learn the sound of each letter.

Aprendan los sonidos del alfabeto español. ¡Prepárense para leer en español! Esta aplicación le ayudará a su hijo a aprender los sonidos de las letras del alfabeto, que son necesarios para la lectura. Aprender los sonidos de las letras da a su niño las herramientas para la lectura y les ayuda a convertirse en grandes lectores. Cada letra corresponde a una imagen que ayudará a su hijo a aprender el sonido de cada letra fonéticamente. 

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5 Games to Help Develop The Alphabetic Principle for Spanish

The five games within this app will help your child develop a strong sense of the Alphabetic principle within the Spanish language. In addition, this app will help your child learn the sounds of the letters of the Spanish alphabet, which are necessary for reading. Learning the sounds of the letters gives your child the tools for reading and helps them become better readers. 

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ABC MÁGICO Conexiónes

Use Line Matching Games to Learn the Alphabetic Principle

Learn The Alphabetic Principle. Develop Phonemic Awareness. Learn How Sounds Relate to Words. Learn Letter-Sound Correspondence. Learn How to APPLY Letter-Sound Correspondence. Gain proficiency in the use of the sounds of the letters. 

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ABC LECTURA MÁGICA will give your child solid and direct experience with Spanish letters and sounds to help build their phonemic awareness skills. ABC LECTURA MÁGICA can help give your child strong foundations in reading Spanish.

ABC LECTURA MÁGICA les brindará a sus hijos una experiencia sólida y directa con las letras y los sonidos para mejorar sus destrezas de conciencia fonológica. ABC LECTURA MÁGICA ayudará a mejorar las destrezas de procesamiento fonológico de sus hijos para que sean buenos lectores. ABC LECTURA MÁGICA puede ayudar a brindarles a sus hijos los principios básicos en la lectura que les permitirán tener un buen futuro. 

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ABC SPANISH SPELLING MAGIC-Deletreador mágico is an excellent tool to help your child learn Spanish. ABC SPANISH SPELLING MAGIC-Deletreador mágico will give your child solid and direct experience with letters and sounds to help build their phonemic awareness skills. It will help improve your child’s phonological processing ability guiding them towards becoming a good reader.

ABC SPANISH SPELLING MAGIC-Deletreador mágico les brindará a sus hijos una experiencia sólida y directa con las letras y los sonidos para mejorar sus destrezas de conciencia fonológica. ABC SPANISH SPELLING MAGIC-Deletreador mágico ayudará a mejorar las destrezas de procesamiento fonológico de sus hijos para que sean buenos lectores. ABC SPANISH SPELLING MAGIC-Deletreador mágico puede ayudar a que sus hijos sean buenos lectores. 

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